The Stardancers!

I don't know if I told y'all, but Christine bamboozled me into playing Fantasy Football. And here is my logo for my team, the Stardancers! I stole it off the internet and then did some editing. :-)
Well, now I don't know what to tell you. Their clever marketing ploy (Fantasy Football) has worked, because I actually want to see the New Orleans / Cleveland game, because three of the players on my team are in that game! (2 on New Orleans, 1 on Cleveland.) On top of that, I am playing Jason, and one of HIS players is in the game too! Jason has Cleveland's quarterback, and I have one of Cleveland's running backs. So, let's hope for a high scoring game, where Cleveland scores all their points by running the ball.
Yesterday, Mike and I were talking about something, and I said "hey, what about those baseball tickets that Jason gave you?" Good thing I asked, because they are for tomorrow! So, we are going to the baseball game tomorrow.
My car has its first doctor appointment (oil change) tomorrow. I get the first 3 free at the dealership. I am supposed to get email reminders that the car is due for servicing, but I haven't gotten one yet, and the car has like 4300 miles on it. (The first one was supposed to happen at 3750). I guess, how are they supposed to know that I have been driving back and forth to Maine and New Hampshire?
My assessment of my job stands. I think it is a good fit. I have been given my first task, and I will soon embark on its implementation. At first, I thought it was going to be hard, because it was not at all obvious to me how the thing was going to fit into the existing structure of the program. But then, I found out that the hard part had already been done! Now, I just have to implement this similarity measure for Gaussian distributions, where the similarity measures have all been spelled out for me. No problem.
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