
173 pages and 1000+ miles

My thesis, in its nearly final version, has weighed in at a whopping 173 pages. Anyone who wants to help me out by giving me feedback, now is a great time! http://web.media.mit.edu/~dhirsh/thesis/

My advisor said "It looks a lot like a thesis! Let's discuss it Friday morning."
Argh! Friday! What am I going to do with myself for 2 days! I feel like I can't make revisions, because then his remarks will be out of date. I can't program because then my whole document will be out of date. All I can do is clean my office! Argh!

In other news, my car passed 1000 miles old on our way back from Maine on Saturday. I got it from the dealer with 136 miles on it (I guess it went on a few test drives), so I haven't put 1000 miles on it myself yet, but I am getting there with the odometer presently reading 1054 miles. It is on its third tank of gas, if I am not mistaken. I got it from the dealer with a full tank, and I have filled the tank twice (although the tank was at about 3/4 both times.)

This weekend, Mike and I are going on the Mathworks summer outing. Its to Vermont or New Hampshire, some where. Should be fun.


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