
Almost ... there ...

So, my advisor is ready to sign my thesis, and David Cavallo has already signed. Now, I am waiting on Pattie. The final page count is 181 pages, with acknowledgements and all the stuff everyone wanted.

I don't think David actually read my thesis. Every time I sent him an email, asking for his feedback, he would send back an email promising to do it that night. Then, I would wait. On top of all this, he was in Brazil, so I couldn't go and bother him. So, he was back from Brazil (finally) and he signed my cover page so that if he went back to Brazil, I would still have his signature. I don't think he thinks he is actually going to read my thesis. But, that's okay with me -- he signed it.

Pattie has been pretty flaky. I finally got a meeting with her the Friday before Cape Cod. (This was two weeks after I had given her my thesis.) When we met, she had only read the first two chapters. So, we talked about those, and then she said she would email me. And she didn't. I checked my email twice in Cape Cod, both times hoping for something, so I could move things forward. Nothing.

Theses are due August 11, so that is when this is going to be over, one way or another.

I think I am technically free. I received a full stipend for the month of July (I was only expecting half). And, I think, I will not receive a stipend for August. I took the last week of July off, and I was only half there the week before then, so I probably owe my advisor a week and a half, which I will do in bits and pieces.

Otherwise, I am mostly on vacation. My plan for the month is to have a good time -- play guitar, paint, draw, play computer games, and watch Star Trek. And take car of some odds and ends like getting a MA license, and signing contracts for a reception and ceremony site.


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