
My thesis is 102 pages

I have posted a new chapter on the Diane's Thesis Webpage (http://web.media.mit.edu/~dhirsh/thesis. Anyone who wants to read it, please let me know how it goes -- how it reads, if you are confused about anything, if you are thinking to yourself "huh?" That will help me a lot!

Tomorrow, I am going to redesign the user interface, and Tuesday, I am going to re-run my user study so I can write chapter 4. (After reading my first draft of chapter 4, my advisor told me to do it again.)

After I finish writing this entry, I am going to take a crack at my "future work" section, but I think that the conclusions might need to wait until after I re-finish the user testing. (Although, I basically plan to re-do the user testing until everyone is able to do the task, and then say "see? the framework works because everyone can do the task!"

We went to the Publick House yesterday, and I wasn't thrilled. If it were ten minutes away from us, it would probably be my choice : it has a lot of the good things about having the reception at a big hotel, without being a big hotel. But its not 10 minutes away, its an hour and change away. So, it didn't edge out the Holiday Inn, which is still the front runner.

We are going to the Newton Marriott next weekend. The price difference is significant, so they are going to have to wow me to get my vote.

I really want something to wow me and get my vote. Because I'm not really voting for anything at this point.


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