
We have a new contender

So, today we went to look at the Holiday Inn, and the Doubletree Guest Suites in Waltham. I tell you, between the two of them, I like the package at the Holiday Inn better. Now, if this sounds crazy to you, bear with me. There was nothing wrong with the ballroom at the Holiday Inn (I actually kinda liked the style of the chandeliers better than at the Doubletree), and there was this cute little separate area where we could have the cocktails that had some trellises and an garden-ish feel. And, we both liked the person there (who Mike said was quite flaming, but I didn't get it.) better than at the Doubletree. So, the Holiday Inn and the Aquarium are now tied. This is a long way from the day when Mike came home, and the first thing I did was stomp my feet (literally) and declare "I don't WANT to have my wedding at the Holiday Inn!"

The problem with the Aquarium is that the whole package is expensive and kinda inconvenient. I feel like the way they sell their stuff is kinda nickel and diming (You have to count how many pieces of passed appetizers you want to pay for). And the hotels downtown would represent a financial hardship! (I will look into is more, however). And parking is a PAIN IN THE A**. The problem with the Holiday Inn is that its kinda in a slummy area. Which is probably why it is 2/3 the cost of the Aquarium or the Doubletree. And its not as fun. Maybe I could buy like 20 plush penguins and have them as centerpieces.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

P.S. My thesis is now 73 pages.


At 10:41 PM, Blogger Kerry Lee said...

What about that hotel that overlooks the Charles River in Auburndale near I-95? I think it's a Marriott.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Hmm...what if you trained penguins to pass out hor'dourves with little plates on their heads and cut out the middleman. Sort of like R2D2 in RoTJ meets the swarm of missle-toting penguins in Batman Returns...

At 6:03 AM, Blogger Jason The Riault said...

We were charged per piece on appetizers too. I dunno if thats nickle and dime.

And Mike, Holiday Inn isn't so bad. It could be worse.. you could be married at Denny's. Grand Slam reception 4tw.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Diane E. Hirsh said...

I don't want my wedding reception to be compared to a wedding reception at Denny's!!!

At 5:53 AM, Blogger Jason The Riault said...

I think I agree with Ryan, because as we all know, Penguins are the butlers of the sea


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