
I nailed it!

My interview with BAE yesterday was a full eight hours. I got there at 9:45 (I was supposed to get there at 9:30, but I got very lost). First, I gave my presentation. It was a pretty full crowd. I'd guess about twenty people. Never mind that I am talking about tracking an pseudo kalman filters to a bunch of people who are serious experts with tracking and the kalman filter. Then, I talked to seven or eight people for about an hour each. Phew! I think I did not put my foot in my mouth, and I got positive vibes from everyone.

I also got a perfect score on my test that I took Wednesday!

Unfortunately, my thesis proposal bounced back to me, from the committee that approves thesis proposals. It isn't anything major, they just want me to be more specific.

We signed papers for our apartment on Wednesday.

We are snowed in for the weekend. This means that we will hopefully eat up all of our food so we will not have to move it!


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