
Thesis Propsal is All Clear

I turned in my thesis proposal ahead of schedule and under budget. Ahhhh. I run a tight ship. Not that I *had* a budget, but that's not the point. Its done and signed and turned in.

I will have my interview at BAE next Thursday.

Mike and I have begun looking at apartments in earnest. On Monday I spent like an hour and a half on the internet and on the phone. We looked at something Wednesday, and three places today. We will look at another two Saturday. Then, we will probably be done and make an offer. I will be very glad when I don't have to worry about this any more.

I found out today that my tracking on the tiles is zippy enough that I can toss the ball in the air, and the tracking will keep up. This is in contrast to the way you had to do it before -- where you had to hold the ball and move it in a vertical line slowly. This is very good because it means that I can make the tiles do things in response to natural human actions, like tossing the ball.

I spent most of the day today trying to make the tracking better. It is difficult, because we don't know a priori how the ball will move. With the bats, they were all basically going in the same way, and they kept going that way. The ball is in a person's hand, and can move any way the person likes. It was encouraging that the tracking was working except for strange edge conditions that I had to work very hard to create.

I will probably try to do some usability testing soon. Any volunteers?


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