
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?

Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. And celery, carrots and onions. And potatoes and beef. That is what is in my crockpot at home today. My crockpot is getting its third use since I bought it. I hope it will help solve my not wanting to cook during the week.

Last night, I successfully roasted a whole chicken, which came out well. The first one I tried to do, a couple years ago, turned out quite badly. So I was glad that this one won great praise from my taste tester, Mike. I was going to give my candied lemon peel another go, but while I was peeling potatoes, I took off a piece of my finger, and I didn't want to get lemon juice in it.

Michael and I are going to move. We were going to try to stay in our apartment until June, after I graduate. But, the landlord wanted an extra $200 for the privelege, and so we are going to go elsewhere. I talked to a realtor, and he said that a.) rents are softening, so we should be able to find something nice, for less money than it was last year b.) the prime time for rents to come up is in the spring or fall, so it wasn't very nice of the landlord to try to add this $200, because it would have been to his advantage for the lease to come up in June, to get another tenant. I am not excited about moving, because it will be the end of holiday season, and it will be winter, and I am injured and can't lift anything heavy. Oh well.

I continue to fret over my thesis proposal. I will try to write a preliminary draft today.


At 7:44 AM, Blogger Kerry Lee said...

Does your apartment include heat? I heard a lot of rents are going up in places like that because energy costs are soaring. Or are you really renting a condo and the guy wants to force you out so he can sell it before prices start dropping? That's happened to some people I know.


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