
My short list just got shorter

Tessella has taken themselves off my short list of places I want to work. :-(

On the bright side, I had a very good phone interview with BAE on Tuesday, and I will go for an onsite interview, probably, Dec. 1. So that is good.

In other news, I am sick (again). I will be sniffling all through the Kennedy Thanksgiving.

Despite my sniffling, my demo yesterday for Johnson & Johnson went well. They were down with my idea of a model builder using the ball. They said they could imagine their own engineers using such a tool -- where a model was created on the wall using gestures and so on. They also said they could see the tiles in an office, with a smart desk. You could have documents on the desk, and then when you wanted to put them elsewhere, you could just gesture them up to the wall! So, this bolsters my spirits somewhat.

I still haven't found my bug that is tripping me up. I suspect hardware problems, but it could still be a memory problem. I had our UROPer swap the camera out of the tile that has been acting up. I hope that fixes it.


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