

So yesterday, my interviews. They went well, I think. I didn't blow them away by any means, but I think they went okay.

The first interview was a phone interview with Tessella (TessELLa). The person I was speaking to was the HR manager/recruiter, and she was British. So, I had trouble reading her. She sometimes laughed, but not neccessarily when I was making a joke. I told her about my work at the media lab, and I convinced her that it was relevant and not merely an academic exercise. It seems that Tessella seems to have a bit of a stiff upper lip -- formal dress code, lots of travel, both as daily commuting, and possibly as longer-term assignments, expectation to complete extra training materials in off hours. So, they are still on the short list, but I don't know if they're still at the top.

The second interview was my on-site with Brontes. First, I thought I was going to be there for an hour, but I had been scheduled to be there for 3 hours. They all asked about my work at the lab, and my previous work at BU. I brought my laptop with me, so I could demo the bat tracker. But, since I installed OS 10.3, the bat tracker has been ungodly slow, so its not as impressive looking as it once was. They seemed suitably interested in / impressed with this. They asked a combination of technical and "what do you want in life" quiestions. Their technology is pretty cool, but I don't think I can really say much about its operation, because they asked me not to disclose details. :-/

I am still affected by a mysterious affliction. I slept like twelve hours last night, but I didn't manage to get through my class from noon till one. I am up now, watching Star Trek. This is actually an episode I don't recognize. Which is odd, because I usually recognize arbitrary episodes of Star Trek (Next Generation) by any arbitrary 30 second clip from the episode. I will spend this weekend trying to sleep off my affliction.


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