
Google, you don't know what you're missing!

I got the call from Google yesterday. They do not want me.

I was being pretty successful, not taking it personally. The recruiter was giving me the whole "we thought you were great, but you're just not a good fit" talk. Which is fine. I understand this is a numbers game. It was when she started talking about their "bar" being high that I took it personally. She said "oh, you know. Our bar is very high..." and I thought to myself "Honey, I can jump over whatever bar you've got up." I didn't say that obviously. Arguably, I can't jump over their bar, because they didn't want me. But, I know I am damn capable, and so they are just missing out. So there.

Yeah, so, the job search. It is making me a little nervous. I know you are supposed to get more rejections than offers, but still. My short short list, and the rejections I've gotten from general software engineering positions ... There is still BAE, Brontes, and Mathworks. Mathworks is kinda my backup plan. Mike's boss's wife really likes me (she is a manager there.) And I am being shuttled into their general entry path. So I feel fully qualified there. At Brontes, I dunno. They were asking really deep questions about machine vision and machine learning. I feel like I would be, shall we saying, stretching it. I would have a lot to learn there. BAE seems like the best fit. So, I am going to go work on my slides for my job talk. I had better knock this one out of the park.

I have banana bread in the oven right now. We are going to Mike's parents' house tomorrow (hence the banana bread). After I started the banana bread, I saw my yeast in the cabinet, and thought it would have been nice to make cinamon rolls instead. But, my banana bread is good. I use a standard recipe, but I swap out half the flour for whole wheat flour, half the sugar for molasses, and the other half of the sugar for brown sugar. This results in a dark soft bread that I like a lot.

I tried to make candied lemon peel yesterday. It was a disaster! Last Christmas, my aunt and cousin made candied grapefruit peel and it was lovely. I like lemons better, so I wanted to do lemon peel. I followed the directions in the Joy of Cooking. You take the peel, and then you boil the heck out of it. You scrape out the pith, and then boil it again in sugar water. Everything was going well until the sugar water. Then, my soft tender boiled lemon peel turned into lemon flavored leather! I don't know what happened, but it wasn't like the candied grapefruit peel my cousin made. I think there might have been a coat of wax on the peel. I didn't think to wash them carefully, and I hear that its standard practice to put wax on citrus fruits. I will try again with organic lemons.


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