
The Hirsh-Theriault Jugernaut

We are nearly packed. The movers will come tomorrow, and then we will be out of this place!

This morning, our present landlord called us to remind us that our lease would expire at NOON on the 31st. *rolls eyes* And he would be by today to inspect the apartment. Fine. He never came, but still. This dude ... well ... let's say Mike and I are glad we are moving on SOOOooo many counts, including the landlord and his personality problems.

I have been scurrying about furiously, putting things in boxes and so on and so forth. Michael has done a lot of heavy lifting -- taking things to the car and driving off to Watertown. On Monday, we dropped our suitcases off at the new apartment after returning from the Hirsh Christmas. And now, we are 98% packed and the movies are coming tomorrow! Unstoppable!

Speaking of the Hirsh Christmas, everything went fine. All members of my family (including the two I was worried about) behaved themselves, and no one gave Mike a hard time. Mike's mother gave him an apple corer/peeler/slicer gizmo, which was PERFECT! And she gave me a pi plate. Yes, a pi plate, with pi written on it out to some insane number of decimal places, and a big PI symbol on the bottom. It is ADORABLE!

In not so good news, my mother is back in the hospital. She didn't come to Christmas, because she wasn't feeling well, after having been in the hospital and having blood work done in the previous couple of weeks. Her heart has been fibrillating and running fast, and she has been feeling weak. So, Christmas day, we get this call that she has gotten one of our neighbors to take her to the hospital. They found a blood clot in her heart. They gave her a bunch of drugs, and she said that she was feeling better. I think she would have been discharged today. And my father hasn't called me. So I guess everything is roughly okay.

So, we are mostly packed, and ready to go! Here we go!


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