
I got a job!

I thought that I posted on Tuesday, when I got the job offer, but apparently Blogger had another idea. Anyway...

I got a job! From BAE, where I really wanted to work. I don't have the offer in my hand, but I am going to meet with my soon-to-be new bosses next week on Wednesday. I assume salary negotiations will come up. I think I interviewed for the position of "Software Engineer II". According to Salary.com, the average pay for this type of position is something like $65,000. According to the MIT career center, the average MIT student graduation with a Master's degree starts at $75,000. So, I have dollar signs in my eyes.

In other news, my thesis proposal was rejected again (for the fourth time). They said I needed to be more "focused". This was after the last time, where they said I needed a more interesting application, so I wrote more about the application. Ugh. It goes back in for approval on Monday, and the meeting is Wednesday.

I am going to have a party soon. I do not know when, but I am going to. To celebrate that I got a job, for Mike's birthday, something. I am going to have a party and everyone is going to come over and its going to be fun and I will have lots of friends. Yes. That is what is going to happen. I hope.

That's all for now folks.


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Barbie said...


At 8:40 PM, Blogger Christine Theriault Burke said...

yay!!! congratulations!!!!

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Arron said...


-Arron, Christine & Ally


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