
Mike has a phone again!

Last night, we went and got Mike a new phone. We now have a family plan together from Verizon (aww). Call me, and I'll give you the new number. (And I will record YOUR phone number in my laptop so we can stop calling Barb and asking her for everyone's number every time we need it.) Or you can email me, since not everyone knows my phone number: dhirsh@mit.edu.

Tonight, we are going to a chocolate tasting event hosted by "The Lab for Chocolate Science" at MIT. Basically, its a club for people who like chocolate.

Tomorrow is the brownie contest, and my cherry brownie is ready and raring to go. I hope I win. I don't even know if there is a prize, other than bragging rights. The cherry brownie is a little risky, because if people don't like cherries, you're in trouble! But, I have worked to make sure that the brownie part of the cherry brownie is solid.

Now, my mother. From what I have gathered, "Congestive Heart Failure" is the generic term doctors use to say "your heart isn't working right." More specifically, it means that the heart is, for whatever reason, unable to pump blood to the body effectively.

I guess this isn't all bad. "Congestive heart failure" sure sounds a lot more scary than "I'm tired all the time and I sometimes can't catch my breath." But, it also means that she is under doctor's care, and she has a documented history, so that if something very bad happens (*knock on wood*) the doctors in the emergency room won't just think she has pneumonia or something. So, I hope she does what the doctors tell her to do, and that things get better.


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

I am totally joining that club when I start in May.


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