
New Guidelines

So, I am *deeply* bummed that I missed the Museum of Science trip. So, in light of my disappointment, I am issuing some new guidelines for those who want to get in touch with Michael and I.

1.) Call me.
2.) If I don't answer, email me.

Michael isn't really very careful to be sure his phone is, shall we say, "on". And it certainly isn't a given that it is "charged". And, even if it *is* on and charged, it is probably in the car. And if it isn't in the car, half the time when I call him, he says he never heard the phone, even if it is in his pocket. And Mike checks his non-work email about once a week, if that.

After seeing Christine talking about going to Maine to do laundry, I had concluded that the Museum of Science trip had been cancelled, otherwise I would have been more aggressive about trying to call. And I don't have all the relevant Theriault/Kennedy family phone numbers, because those are in Mike's phone and palm pilot, which may or may not be on, charged, and available in a given day.

Anyway, after concluding that the MoS trip was off, Mike and I decided to go anyway. We got there in the afternoon, and there were no more tickets for the Star Wars exhibit, and there were no more Omni shows for the day. So, we went back to the Galleria, where we must have just missed Christine and Company, because we left there between 4:30 and 5.

In other news, last Monday, I had my first guitar lesson. I wanted to talk about how to hold the guitar and where to put my fingers. We spent the whole hour talking about music theory and modes of the major scale. At the very end, I actually picked up a guitar and attempted the C major scale. I have another lesson on Thursday. I am not sure how long I am going to keep this up, since my graduate stipend is small, and I cannot spend like I already have my new job.

Spent all week and most of the weekend working with networking code in C. For anyone who has not done this, let me tell you, it is ugly. The C networking libraries must have been written by about a bazillion people, and the structures and names make precious little sense. And I am doing multi-threading on top of this, so my threads that are doing the sending of messages sometimes try to chew up all of the CPU time, so my real program can't run. Grrrg.


At 10:38 PM, Blogger Christine Theriault Burke said...

aw, man, I wish I had known!!!! Arron and I kept saying it was too bad you guys wern't with us! Next time it comes up, we'll keep you guys in the loop. Although we don't have your phone number, so e-mail it to me sometime. We had planned on going earlier in the week, but hadn't made the final plans. I told Jason to call me so I could get tickets ahead of time, and he never called me. So by the time we saw them, the Millenium Falcon tix were all sold out, and I was pretty torqued about it because if he had called me when he was supposed to, I could have gotten them. So then we decided not to go. Then, on Saturday morning, I found out that Jason and Barbie were going anyway, and I scrambled to get us all tickets so we could all go - totally last minute! I'm so sorry, I had no idea that you guys were interested or I would have totally gotten you in too! :( We still didn't do the Millenium Falcon ride, so pick a weekend and we'll go with you!

At 1:49 AM, Blogger Jason The Riault said...

I am so sorry. This is my bad, but it kinda just happened sat. morning after being cancelled on friday night.

Won't happen again(I mean bad communications)


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